Monday, 21 July 2014

Facial Enhancement Acupuncture.

Have you ever thought about the benefits of Facial Enhancement Acupuncture? Not only is it a cosmetic treatment but as with all acupuncture treatments it works on many other levels. Many people are turning to this non surgical facial as an alternative to chemical treatments, fillers and invasive injections

During a treatment, tiny needles will be placed on various points and muscles on the face. After the treatment the overall appearance and the elasticity of the skin are improved, fine lines and wrinkles are reduced and the patients well being can also be greatly improved. The treatment also works on lifting the face and it is easy to target sagging jowls and jawlines.

Without getting technical here's how it works:
Increasing blood circulation improves oxygenation of the skin, detoxification and lymph drainage resulting in improved skin tone and texture.
Skin is more plumped up due to collagen production being stimulated.
A temporary lift is achieved as the muscles in the face are stimulated and tightened.
Cell regeneration fills out and smooths lines and wrinkles.
Hormones are regulated and balanced, which helps with acne, stress related skin problems and aging skin.

Improved sleep, energy and digestion are some of the other positive side effects that can be expected, which in turn will make you look and feel better.

So, if you want to look good and feel good too, facial enhancement acupuncture could be the treatment for you.

Thanks for reading,

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