Wednesday 30 July 2014

High blood pressure?

In the course of a week I can treat many different conditions with Tui Na, acupuncture or a combination of both.  I saw a client today who on arrival had a blood pressure reading of 196/106, the ideal reading should be 120/80 for people wishing to have good health. As you can see from the chart below the clients reading was very high.

After one treatment of acupuncture the client’s blood pressure was taken again and the new reading was 164/96. The drop was significant and a very happy client was quite amazed at the effectiveness of acupuncture to treat high blood pressure.
There are other factors that can help to lower blood pressure such as diet, exercise and lifestyle but acupuncture can certainly help by enabling the client to relax which in turn helps to relieve stress that can be the root of the condition.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine an imbalance in the body is related to a blockage of Qi. This will cause a condition, such as high blood pressure.  The placement of needles on specific points of the body opens up these blockages and restores a healthy flow of Qi, which in turn allows the body to become balanced in a natural way.
You can help to maintain good health with regular acupuncture treatments that will aid in the following:
·         Managing high blood pressure
·         Quitting smoking
·         Maintaining a healthy weight
·         Reducing stress
·         Improving sleep
You can also help yourself with heart healthy foods such as
·         Green Tea – reduces bad cholesterol, improves platelets in the blood
·         Garlic – discourages red blood cells from sticking together and blocking your arteries
·         Fruit – oranges, grapes and pomegranate are particularly good for heart health
·         Dark green vegetables – a good source of antioxidants
·         Fish – omega 3, fatty acid
Thanks for reading,

Monday 21 July 2014

Facial Enhancement Acupuncture.

Have you ever thought about the benefits of Facial Enhancement Acupuncture? Not only is it a cosmetic treatment but as with all acupuncture treatments it works on many other levels. Many people are turning to this non surgical facial as an alternative to chemical treatments, fillers and invasive injections

During a treatment, tiny needles will be placed on various points and muscles on the face. After the treatment the overall appearance and the elasticity of the skin are improved, fine lines and wrinkles are reduced and the patients well being can also be greatly improved. The treatment also works on lifting the face and it is easy to target sagging jowls and jawlines.

Without getting technical here's how it works:
Increasing blood circulation improves oxygenation of the skin, detoxification and lymph drainage resulting in improved skin tone and texture.
Skin is more plumped up due to collagen production being stimulated.
A temporary lift is achieved as the muscles in the face are stimulated and tightened.
Cell regeneration fills out and smooths lines and wrinkles.
Hormones are regulated and balanced, which helps with acne, stress related skin problems and aging skin.

Improved sleep, energy and digestion are some of the other positive side effects that can be expected, which in turn will make you look and feel better.

So, if you want to look good and feel good too, facial enhancement acupuncture could be the treatment for you.

Thanks for reading,

Thursday 17 July 2014

Electro Acupuncture - What is it?

If you want to know a little more about electro acupuncture then read on.
Electro acupuncture has its origins in traditional acupuncture and uses the same points, but it is a relatively new treatment . It is another form of complementary therapy that is becoming increasingly popular as it can be used to treat many different conditions.

During a session of electro acupuncture, needles are inserted in to the body at specific points, these are then attached with clips to a machine which generates electrical pulses. The device also controls the frequency and intensity of the impulses, which is adjusted according to the condition being treated. Two needles are used together allowing the impulses to pass from one to another, and several pairs can be used at the same time. A variation to this is a TENS machine which works on a similar principal but without using needles.

The aim of electro acupuncture is to stimulate the body's healing processes by sending these electrical impulses through the channels, muscles and nerves. According to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, illness is caused when the qi doesn't flow properly around the body. The acupuncturist will determine why the qi is out of balance to establish the points to be stimulated. Electro acupuncture is most commonly associated with pain management and as a treatment for neurological disorders, acne and acute nausea . There is also some evidence that the electrical stimulation of acupuncture points activates the endorphin system, which could reduce heart disease and lower blood pressure

A treatment will last for no longer than 30 minutes and during a treatment a tingling sensation may be felt due to the electrical current. Some minor bruising or bleeding may occur as a result of a needle hitting a small blood vessel.Patients with a history of seizures, epilepsy, heart disease or strokes, or patients with pacemakers are not suitable for electro acupuncture treatments. It is aslo recommended that with a treatment where needles are connected to an electrical current, that the current should not travel across the midline of the body , and should not be performed on the patients head, throat or heart.

Thanks for reading,


Tuesday 15 July 2014

What is Auricular Acupuncture?


Auricular acupuncture is a treatment you may not be familiar with. It is highly effective is becoming more and more popular. Keep reading to find out why.

Auricular acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine based on the ear representing the entire body. Auricular Acupuncture has its origins in the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture but was developed by a French Neurologist, Dr Paul Nogier. His research concluded that specific points on the ear corresponded to different areas of the body. He believed that pain and other symptoms in the body could be alleviated by stimulating the corresponding region of the ear. There are over 200 acupuncture point on the ear, each named after a specific part of the anatomy.

So why would you receive it, what is it good for? Auricular acupuncture is now widely used for many conditions, including addiction treatment, mood disorders, obesity and pain. Ear points are excellent for treating mental disturbances and emotional imbalances, for example anxiety, depression and insomnia. It can be used in its own right as a treatment or incorporated into regular acupuncture treatments. It can also be used as a quick "tune up" if time is of the essence in between regular treatments.

Thanks for reading,


Monday 14 July 2014

Acupuncture and its benefits.

Hello again,

Let's explore another aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this time - acupuncture.

Acupuncture is becoming an increasingly popular treatment and often it can be combined with a Tui Na treatment for even more benefits. I have so many positive things to say about acupuncture as it treats so many conditions, but here I will just scratch the surface.
Traditional acupuncture is a healthcare system based on ancient principles which go back nearly two thousand years. It has a very positive model of good health and function, and looks at pain and illness as signs that the body is out of balance. The overall aim of acupuncture treatment, then, is to restore the body's equilibrium. What makes this system so uniquely suited to modern life is that physical, emotional and mental are seen as interdependent, and reflect what many people perceive as the connection between the different aspects their lives.

The focus is on the individual, not their illness, and all the symptoms are seen in relation to each other. Each patient is unique; two people with the same western diagnosis may well receive different acupuncture treatments.


Traditional acupuncturists believe that the underlying principle of treatment is that illness and pain occur when the body's qi, or vital energy, cannot flow freely. There can be many reasons for this; emotional and physical stress, poor nutrition, infection or injury are among the most common. By inserting ultra-fine sterile needles into specific acupuncture points, a traditional acupuncturist seeks to re-establish the free flow of qi to restore balance and trigger the body's natural healing response.

Traditional acupuncture has a long history of adapting to new cultures in which it is practised. Its growing popularity and acceptance in the West may well promote yet more new and exciting variations on the ancient themes.

A growing body of evidence-based clinical research shows that traditional acupuncture safely treats a wide range of common health problems.

I hope this brief overview has taken away some of the apprehension about receiving acupuncture as a treatment, as many aren't comfortable with the idea of needles, and I personally believe that it is a treatment which everyone can benefit from.
Thanks for taking the time visit my blog,

Tuesday 8 July 2014

What is Tui Na

Hi and welcome back.

Some of you might be familiar with or heard of Acupuncture and herbal remedies, but there are many people who haven't heard of the Traditional Chinese Medical treatment called Tui Na.
So, for those that don't know carry on reading for a very brief summary. I will go into more detail in subsequent posts.

Tui Na is a therapeutic form of massage and has been used in China for more than 2,000 years, it is used for giving special treatments to people of all ages, from infancy to old age.
In Tui Na massage, the muscles and tendons are massaged and an acupressure technique is applied to directly affect the flow of qi at different acupressure points of the body, thus facilitating the healing process. It removes the blockages and keeps the energy moving through the meridians as well as the muscles.
The main benefit of Tui Na massage is that it focuses on the specific problem, whether it is an acute or a chronic pain associated with the joints, muscles or skeletal system. This technique is very beneficial in reducing the pain of neck, shoulder, hip, back, arm, leg and ankle disorders. It is a very effective therapy for arthritis, sciatica and muscle spasm. Other benefits of this massage therapy include the alleviation of stress related disorders like insomnia, constipation, headaches and other disorders related to the digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems. It can relax as well as energise a person.
The greatest advantage of Tui na is that it focuses on maintaining overall balance with both physical and mental health. Anyone who wants to avoid the side effects of drugs or a chemical based treatment can adopt this effective massage technique to alleviate their pain.
Tui na massage therapy is now becoming a more common therapy method due to its focus on specific problems rather than providing a general treatment.
Tui Na is applied to a clothed body and patients either sit in a chair or lie on a couch. You should also be prepared to answer some questions about your state of health before having a treatment as the whole being will be assessed not just the symptom that is a concern for the patient.

Hopefully, this has given a little insight into a Tui na treatment. Next time I will give you a brief overview of acupuncture.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hope to see you next time.

Friday 4 July 2014

Stephen Hunter, Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioner.

Who Is Stephen Hunter? What does he do?
Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Stephen is a fully qualified TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) practitioner who has been trained by the internationally respected Maria Mercati at the International Bodyharmonics Centre, Cheltenham, and Alan Orr, disciple, and UK representative of the internationally renowned Wing Chun Sifu Robert Chu. He is fully insured and is a member of the Acupuncture Acutherapy Council & Cosmetic Acupuncture UK, and is registered with CNHC (Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council).
He is trained and qualified in the following:
TCM Acupuncture
Auricular Acupuncture
Electro Acupuncture
Facial Enhancement Acupuncture
Tui Na (Traditional Chinese Medical Massage & Manipulation. Master Practitioner)
Indonesian Massage
Thai Massage
Stephen is able to treat many problems, both musculoskeletal and internal imbalances. Quite often using a combination of Acupuncture and Massage therapies, he is able to treat people who have had pain or problems for months or maybe years.
Stephen also has a keen interest in fitness and is a Second Dan Wing Chun Instructor and is now studying to gain a qualification as a Personal Trainer.